Threat & Vulnerability Assessments
In today's ever changing world of threats, it's important to understand risk associated with you and your organization. Wether you operate a global Fortune 500 corporation, manage an A-list celebrity or simply remain concerned with your personal and residence security, it is important to assess the threat.
CSP provides comprehensive Threat and Vulnerability Assessment (TVA) services designed to outline probable threats and recommend risk mitigation counter-measures to those identified. Our TVA team conducts a "Threat-Based" assessment evaluation unique to you and/or your organization; Not a generic format with plug- in data. Our TVA will indicate vulnerabilities in habits, facilities and protocols; then provide recommendations on comprehensive steps to reduce exposure and liability.
CSP has conducted TVA's for high net-worth families, schools, religious organizations, media production firms and global corporations seeking expansion into foreign markets.
We help identify the Threats / Then work to reduce the Vulnerability
Threat and Vulnerability Assessment Services may include:​
Business, School, Religious Sanctuary & Estate Security Plans
Active Shooter response planning and training
Security Master-Plan Development and Sustainment
Operational Readiness Overview
Emergency / Contingency Preparedness Services
​Personal / Residence
Security System Integration Plans / Policy
Active Security Post Orders and Special Orders
Executive and Individual Safe Travel Programs
Intelligence Estimate