Venue Advances & Security
Wether you are a production company setting out on a global tour, a business partner tasked with planning a corporate event or a personal assistant to high net-worth persons, ensuring security of scheduled venues is paramount.
Large or small, indoor and outdoor event venues present a wide array of physical security challenges. This is where CSP is here to assist.
Covenant Special Projects Venue Advance Operations serve clients in all aspects of venue coordination, setup, security and emergency planning.
CSP Advance may include:
Coordination with venue management
Coordination with local law enforcement / private security
Vetting and Contracting security and protection services providers
Canine support (Bomb/Explosive sweep)
Arriving equipment secure staging / storage
Review of venue emergency plans (threats, environment, structural)
Development and implementation of event / person specific contingency plans
Overview of venue specifics
Structural constraints (lighting weights, decorative placement, etc.)​
Entry and Exit control (Access Control)
Existing venue active and passive security (CCTV, Security Guards)
Event set up constraints / client event design compliance
Vehicle staging locations / security (haulers, trucks, busses, etc.)
Ordinance compliance
Safe locations / rooms for VIP's
Catering set up locations, vendor scheduling
Location Threat Assessment (identifies perceived and probable threats)
Security Protocol/s
CSP Close Protection Agents for VIP coverage
Every venue is different. Each venue Advance is different as well. CSP's team of specialist has conducted venue security advances in support of music's top performers, media production company's, corporate annual stakeholder events and US and Allied nation governments.
CSP's discrete yet comprehensive Advance services provide event host the ground-truth information, pre-event coordination efforts and if required the security apparatus required to operate a safe and successful event.